Parks and Recreation Commission

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Legal Authority:

Established by Board of Supervisors Ordinance A-114 on October 20, 1953, pursuant to Chapter 4, Division 12 of Education Code and revised by Board of Supervisors Ordinance G-858 of May 3, 1966; with Ordinance A-358, effective January 13, 2017, the Parks and Recreation Department was reorganized into General Services.

Membership Qualifications:

Five (5) voting members appointed by Board of Supervisors. Two (2) ex-officio members consisting of the Assistant County Administrative Officer for General Services, or his/her designee, and a member of the Board of Supervisors as designated by said Board. An alternate ex-officio member is appointed to act as member in absence of the Assistant County Administrative Officer for General Services or his/her designee. In appointing members to the commission, the Board of Supervisors shall provide for equal representation of each supervisorial district. Members appointed for the respective supervisorial districts shall reside in the supervisorial district represented.


Voting members shall serve four-year terms and ex-officio members' terms shall correspond to their respective official tenure.


It shall be the responsibility of the Commission to act as advisor to the Board of Supervisors and to the Assistant County Administrative Officer for General Services in matters of policy related to parks and recreation.

Meeting Place and Time:

For meeting place, contact General Services at 868-3000. The third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 P.M.

Meeting Schedule/Agenda/Minutes


$25.00 a meeting, not to exceed twenty-four meetings per calendar year.

Ethics Training:

Pursuant to State law, on or after January 1, 2006, any person newly appointed shall successfully complete a course in ethics training approved by the Fair Political Practices Commission and Attorney General. Each member is required to complete this training every two years.


General Services Division
1115 Truxtun Avenue, 3rd Floor
Bakersfield, CA 93301
(661) 868-3000

Required Documents/Training:

  • Loyalty Oath required
  • Form 700 (Statement of Economic Interests) not required
  • Ethics training required; training provided by Kern County Counsel

Note: All members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors

Voting Members

Name: Ryan Abler
Representing: District 1
When Appointed: 9/14/2021
Term Expires: 1/4/2025
Name: William Chapman
Representing: District 2
When Appointed: 2/13/2018
Term Expires: 1/7/2027
Name: Carol Lair
Representing: District 3
When Appointed: 1/10/2023
Term Expires: 1/7/2027
Name: Lorena Cervantes
Representing: District 4
When Appointed: 4/2/2019
Term Expires: 1/4/2025
Name: Ucedrah Osby
Representing: District 5
When Appointed: 1/7/2020
Term Expires: 1/3/2026

Ex-Officio Member(s)

Name: Phillip Peters, District 1 Supervisor
Kern County Board of Supervisors
When Appointed: 1/5/2021
Term Expires: Virtue of Office
Name: Vacant (Alternate)
Term Expires: Virtue of Office
Name: Geoffrey Hill, Chief General Services Officer
General Services Division
When Appointed: 2/18/2017
Term Expires: Virtue of Office