Tehachapi Municipal Advisory Council (TMAC)

Apply for the Tehachapi Municipal Advisory Council (TMAC)

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Legal Authority:

Established by Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 2010-318 adopted October 12, 2010, pursuant to Government Code Section 31010.

Membership Qualifications:

Five (5) members, all of whom shall be registered electors residing within the boundaries of the Tehachapi Municipal Advisory Council (TMAC) within Kern County, appointed by the Board of Supervisors, one (1) member from each of the following agencies: City of Tehachapi City Council, Bear Valley Springs Community Services District (CSD), Golden Hills CSD, Stallion Springs CSD, and Tehachapi Unified School District Board of Trustees.


The members of the TMAC shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors and serve at the Pleasure of the Board of Supervisors until their successors are appointed. Terms shall be for three (3) years.


It shall be the responsibility of the Council to advise the Board of Supervisors and, specifically the 2nd District Supervisor, on matters pertinent to the communities of Alpine Forest, Bear Valley Springs, Golden Hills, North Cummings Valley, Stallion Springs and the unincorporated areas surrounding Tehachapi, as authorized by Government Code section 31010.

Meeting Place and Time:

Golden Hills CSD Board room 21415 Reeves Street Tehachapi, CA Second Wednesday of each month


None except expenses actually and necessarily incurred while traveling on the business of the Council and limited to the amount reimbursable under adopted County policy.

Ethics Training:

Pursuant to State law, on or after January 1, 2006, any person newly appointed shall successfully complete a course in ethics training approved by the Fair Political Practices Commission and Attorney General. Each member is required to complete this training every two years.


Second District Supervisor's Office
1115 Truxtun Avenue
Bakersfield, CA 93301
(661) 868-3660

Required Documents/Training:

  • Loyalty Oath required
  • Form 700 (Statement of Economic Interests) not required
  • Ethics training required; training provided by Kern County Counsel

Note: All members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors

General Member(s)

Name: Vacant Apply
Tehachapi City Council Member
Representing: At-large Tehachapi City Council
Term Expires: 11/30/2022
Name: Rick L Zanutto
Bear Valley Springs Community Services District Member
Representing: At-large Bear Valley Springs CSD
When Appointed: 1/11/2011
Term Expires: 11/30/2012
Name: Ernest Sargent
Golden Hills Community Services District Member
Representing: At-large Golden Hills CSD
When Appointed: 4/23/2013
Term Expires: 11/30/2016
Name: Sandy Young
Stallion Springs Community Services District Member
Representing: At-large Stallion Springs CSD
When Appointed: 7/5/2011
Term Expires: 11/30/2013
Name: Jackie Wood
Tehachapi Unified School District Member
Representing: At-large Tehachapi Unified School District
When Appointed: 11/30/2010
Term Expires: 11/30/2012