Board of Disabled Access Appeals

Apply for the Board of Disabled Access Appeals

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Legal Authority:

Established by Board of Supervisors Ordinance G-8212, effective November 17, 2011, pursuant to Section 19957.5 of the Health and Safety Code.

Membership Qualifications:

Five (5) voting members consisting of two (2) physically handicapped members, two (2) members experienced in construction, and one (1) public member. The Director of the Public Works Department, or designee, shall act as secretary of the Board.


Four-year staggered term.


It shall be the responsibility of the Board to • hear any appeal from a decision of the building official relating to application and interpretation of the applicable disabled access provisions of Title 17 of the Kern County Ordinance Code • make written findings and render a written decision on each appeal which it hears and shall cause a copy of the same to be furnished to the appellant, to the building official, and to any person requesting it Authority of the Board is limited to the administration and interpretation of the disabled access provisions of this title and does not permit waivers of any code requirements. The decisions of the Board shall be subject to further appeal to the Board of Supervisors, provided that a request for hearing by the Board of Supervisors is filed with the building official not later than thirty (30) days after the date the written findings and decision of the Board are placed in the mail, addressed to the appellant.

Meeting Place and Time:

Public Services Building 2700 M Street Bakersfield, CA As required.



Ethics Training:



Kern County Public Works
2700 M Street
Bakersfield, CA 93301
(661) 862-5100

Required Documents/Training:

  • Loyalty Oath required
  • Form 700 (Statement of Economic Interests) required; filed with Clerk of the Board
  • Ethics training not required

General Member(s)

Name: Vacant Apply
Representing: At-large
Appointed By: Board of Supervisors
Term Expires: 1/1/2027
Name: Vacant Apply
Representing: At-large
Appointed By: Board of Supervisors
Term Expires: 1/1/2025
Name: Vacant Apply
Representing: At-large
Appointed By: Board of Supervisors
Term Expires: 1/1/2027
Name: Vacant Apply
Representing: At-large
Appointed By: Board of Supervisors
Term Expires: 1/1/2025
Name: Vacant Apply
Representing: At-large
Appointed By: Board of Supervisors
Term Expires: 1/1/2027