West Side Mosquito and Vector Control District

Apply for the West Side Mosquito and Vector Control District

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Legal Authority:

Established as West Side Mosquito Abatement District by Board of Supervisors Resolution of February 9, 1931 pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 2023 and 2024. Name changed on March 8, 1991 to West Side Mosquito and Vector Control District.

Membership Qualifications:

Five (5) members: • three (3) appointed by the Board of Supervisors • one (1) by City of Maricopa • one (1) by City of Taft Each member appointed by the governing body of a city shall be an elector of the city from which he/she is appointed, and a resident of that portion of the city which is in the district. Each member appointed from a county shall be an elector of the county and a resident of that portion of the county which is in the district.


Two (2) or four (4) years, at the discretion of the appointing authority.


Extermination of mosquitoes, flies or other insects, abatement of stagnant pools of water and other breeding places, and do any and all things necessary to carry out these objectives under the powers set forth under Section 2270 of the Health and Safety Code.

Meeting Place and Time:

West Side Mosquito and Vector Control District Yard 7004 Gas Company Road Taft, CA Third Thursday of every month at 7:00 P.M.


$50 per month per member for expenses incurred in attending business meetings of the board.

Ethics Training:

Pursuant to State law, on or after January 1, 2006, any person newly appointed shall successfully complete a course in ethics training approved by the Fair political Practices Commission and Attorney General. Each member is required to complete this training every two years.


West Side Mosquito and Vector Control District
7004 Gas Company Road, P.O. Box 205
Taft, CA 93268
(661) 763-3510

Required Documents/Training:

  • Loyalty Oath required
  • Form 700 (Statement of Economic Interests) required; filed with Clerk of the Board
  • Ethics training required; training provided by Agency

General Member(s)

Name: Jesus Fernandez
Representing: At-large
When Appointed: 3/23/2021
Appointed By: Board of Supervisors
Term Expires: 1/1/2029
Name: Cory Quintana (Replacing David Cooper)
Representing: At-large
When Appointed: 3/12/2024
Appointed By: Board of Supervisors
Term Expires: 1/1/2026
Name: Paul Rubadeau
Representing: At-large
When Appointed: 5/23/2000
Appointed By: Board of Supervisors
Term Expires: 1/1/2027
Name: Virgil Bell
Representing: At-large
When Appointed: 4/29/2008
Appointed By: City of Maricopa
Term Expires: 1/1/2028
Name: Randy Miller
Representing: At-large
When Appointed: 6/20/2023
Appointed By: City of Taft
Term Expires: 1/1/2028