RFP Title:
RFI - Recovery Station Services
The Recovery Station shall be operated in Bakersfield, CA and shall serve as a voluntary safe haven for Kern County residents presenting with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorder needs. This facility shall serve adults who are actively intoxicated, have not been charged with a serious crime, are not in need of emergency medical or psychiatric services, and can likely benefit from engagement into behavioral health services by a team of staff with lived experience.
Due Date/Time:
Monday, January 13, 2025
11:00 AM
Submitting Dept:
Behavioral Health and Recovery Services
Contact Information:
Katrina Tinoco
(661) 868-6713
RFP Title:
Psychiatric Physician Services
This Request for Application (RFA) is seeking qualified Psychiatric Medical Professionals to provide psychiatric physician services at KernBHRS clinics. The purpose of providing these services (psychiatric evaluation and medication management) is to promote healing and recovery in clients with serious and persistent mental illness and substance use disorders to improve their quality of life within the community.
Due Date/Time:
Friday, June 27, 2025
11:00 AM
Submitting Dept:
Behavioral Health and Recovery Services
Contact Information:
Rachelle Higgins
(661) 635-1354